Koristim suse 8.2 i zelio bih znati sljedece:
1.kako prenjeti ili instalirati fontove sa windowsa (moze i link sa how to)
2.mozilla mi pokazuje nejesne fontove dok konqueror ih prikazuje jasno
3.gdje naci icone za linux i pomocu kojeg programa zamjeniti postojece ili se to radi samo promjenom thema?
[quote]3. Fonts installation.
As of August 12, 2002, Microsoft offers the possibility to freely download True Type fonts like “arial”, “arial black”, “times new roman”, “verdana”, etc. Thus, the program fetchmsttfonts (included in SuSE Linux up to version 8.0) is no longer usable. Please refer to the following URL for further information:
Nevertheless, you can further install any Truetype fonts of your choice. Write them to the directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/ and execute the following command (we recommend you to use cut&paste) as root user in the console:
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/
/usr/X11R6/bin/ttmkfdir|sed s/^[0-9]*// > fonts.scale.neu
By doing this, the Truetype fonts will be made usable for SuSE Linux. Finally, restart SuSEconfig and your X server.
Note: Please note that the names of Truetype fonts must always be written in lowercase. They must not contain any special characters or umlauts. If necessary, you will have to rename the fonts.
4.Checking anti-aliasing fonts.
The command xmag enlarges any part of your desktop. Start xmag from a console and click on the small edge on a text of your choice, e.g. a KDE2 menu. If you can see pixels in different shades of grey or other colors between the pixels of the normal font in the xmag window, then the anti-aliasing font is activated.
Tamo gdje se sve opcije namijestaju u mozilli tamo ces namjestiti i fontove. Izaberi neke druge nego te sto momentalno imas.
Icone mozes promijeniti , desnom mis-tastom ->preferences ili tako slicno. Kad se otvori prozor klikni na postojecu iconu i on napuni sve moguce od kojih izabere s pozeljnu.