Add/remove programs na Fedora8 ima bug!

Ne mogu ni jedan program instalirati izbaci mi samo ovo upozorenje i to je sve!
Error parsing ‘file:///media/Fedora 8 i386 DVD’: URL must be http, ftp, file or https not “”

Stvarno ne znam šta da radim!


[quote=igorbl]Ne mogu ni jedan program instalirati izbaci mi samo ovo upozorenje i to je sve!
Error parsing ‘file:///media/Fedora 8 i386 DVD’: URL must be http, ftp, file or https not “”

Stvarno ne znam šta da radim!

obrati pažnju na

/etc/yum.conf repos itd ne znam sad tačno gdje su ti fajlovi

jah -> Error parsing ‘file:///media/Fedora 8 i386 DVD’: URL must be http, ftp, file or https not “”

usput, ima jedan lik meščini vasquez ili tako nešta, često ćeš ga naći i hoće pomoći (bar sam ja tako primjetio)

Either delete the file /etc/yum.repos.d/Fedora-install-media.repo or edit that file so that it’s disabled by default. If you want to edit it, using your favorite text editor, with root permissions, find the line near the top of the file that reads enabled=1 and change it to read enabled=0. Save and exit. Run your update or install.

Powered by Fedora 8

Damir Zubovic
Fedora Ambassador

[quote=igorbl]Ne mogu ni jedan program instalirati izbaci mi samo ovo upozorenje i to je sve!
Error parsing ‘file:///media/Fedora 8 i386 DVD’: URL must be http, ftp, file or https not “”

Stvarno ne znam šta da radim!
