Raja nasao sam ovu skriptu za instalaciju beryla i vidi zaista radi…pogoto u mom slucaju jer sam ceprko po sistemu pa se i sam cudu da jos radi…heheh ;). Ovako skripta se skine sa http://distfiles.gentoo-xeffects.org/beryl-setup (ja sam je na desktop skinuo) a pokrece se sa …
cd /usr/local/bin
wget http://distfiles.gentoo-xeffects.org/beryl-setup
chmod 755 beryl-setup
beryl-setup --setup
It’s current features are:
Automated video card detection
Automated KDE/Gnome/Xfce detection
Automated GDM/KDM detection
Universal distro support (only a small bit of information is added to the script to add support for a distro)
Creates autostart entries for beryl-manager
Sets the window manager to beryl for KDE (gnome support in the future)
Advanced support for explicit settings instead of automation
Supported distros:
meni je sve postelalo i XGL session nadam se da ce ovo pomoci neko ,meni je…i jos nesto emerald teme ce te morati naknadno instalirati!!