C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3

Book Description

“…not only the best book on Qt I have ever seen, but also the best book presenting any programming framework. Every sentence appears to be carefully worded, and every chapter has a sound concept, and so does the work as a whole.” --Matthias Ettrich, Trolltech’s lead developer, founder of the KDE project

“The ‘Tao of Qt’… The Qt system is a beautiful example of object oriented design, and the authors take advantage of this… The authors have done an excellent job of presenting the subject in an interesting and engaging way…” --Ron McCarty, Instructor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

The first official Trolltech guide to Qt 3.2 programming!

Straight from Trolltech, this book covers all you need to build industrial-strength applications with Qt 3.2.x and C+±-applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux with no source code changes! The book teaches solid Qt programming practices; it is not a rehash of the documentation. You’ll find start-to-finish coverage packed with examples, plus a CD with the Qt 3.2 toolset and Borland C++ compilers–including a non-commercial Qt 3.2 for Windows available nowhere else!

* Build powerful C++ GUI applications quickly and easily
* Design dialogs and main windows visually and in code
* Learn Qt's innovative typesafe signals and slots mechanism
* Use layouts to create forms that automatically size and scale
* Create custom signals, slots, events, and controls
* Program the ''Qt way'' with techniques for Qt 3.2 that'll work with Qt 4
* Code applications with menus, toolbars, dialogs, and drag and drop
* Utilize 2D and 3D graphics, multithreading, and networking
* Write database and XML applications
* Internationalize to reach foreign markets
* Exploit platform-specific-features like ActiveX

Already using Qt or just starting out? Evaluating Qt or managing it? Building open source applications–or commercial applications? Want to develop for Windows without buying an expensive compiler? Whatever your goal, this is the only book you need!

CD-ROM: Everything you need to write great GUI programs!

* Qt 3.2 Non-Commercial Edition for Windows
* Borland C++ 5.5 Non-Commercial Edition
* Borland C++ 6.0 Trial Edition
* Qt 3.2 Free Editions for Unix/Linux/Mac OS X
* SQLite database
* The book's code examples 



P.S. Vedrane ili Adise! Hoću ovo skinuto i na CD :!:

nisam siguran o cemu se radi, ali nastavicu iz prilozenog. Kao prvo, linkovi ne rade, a kao drugo, dravanje opisa knjiga i zahtjev za njihovim skidanjem ide direktno na mail osobe od koje se zahtjev trazi.

Ovaj dio foruma je za sve (prethodni postovi ce dati boilji uvid) samo ne za zahtjeve o skidanju knjiga, koje jos nisu ni besplatne.


Jeste jeste besplatna je knjiga, a za C++ @ Linux knjigama je velika potražnja, pogotovo besplatnim.
Link koji radi: http://phptr.com/content/images/0131240722/downloads/blanchette_sourcecode.sit

(.SIT je ekstenzija za StuffIt arhive, postoji free alat za Linux koji to otvara, mislim da bi i običan Ark trebao znati šta s tim)

Da se ne mučite sa Stuffitom :slight_smile:

Knjiga je skinuta, šestica, mašina popularno nazvana kvaka 22.

nisam siguran o cemu se radi, ali nastavicu iz prilozenog. Kao prvo, linkovi ne rade, a kao drugo, dravanje opisa knjiga i zahtjev za njihovim skidanjem ide direktno na mail osobe od koje se zahtjev trazi.

Ovaj dio foruma je za sve (prethodni postovi ce dati boilji uvid) samo ne za zahtjeve o skidanju knjiga, koje jos nisu ni besplatne.


  1. Pošto nisi siguran, suzdrži se komentara… Jel ok?


  3. http://www.phptr.com/ je link na stranicu izdavačke kuće Prentice Hall, koja kao takva NEMA PIRATSKE KOPIJE knjiga na svojim stranicama.

  4. Vedrane :wink: jedno je kod jedno je knjiga, skinite oba :wink:

Book Description

Finally, a comprehensive guide to the Linux VM!

VM’s behavior affects every Linux kernel subsystem and dramatically impacts overall performance. But until now, there was only one way to understand VM: study the poorly documented source one line at a time. Now there’s an easier, faster alternative. This book describes VM in unprecedented detail, presenting both theoretical foundations and a line-by-line source code commentary. It systematically covers everything from physical memory description to out-of-memory management. Coverage includes:

* Linux VM 2.4 architecture in depth-with diagrams and call graphs
* Physical memory description, page tables, address spaces, and memory allocation
* High memory, swapping, shared memory, and much more
* Expert guidance for analyzing the code of any open source project
* New Linux 2.6 kernel features in every chapter

Well organized and superbly written, Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager will be indispensable to every kernel programmer and researcher.


Complete VM Learning Lab! Contains the author’s new toolkit for exploring VM, including a browsable version of kernel source, CodeViz call graph generator; and VMRegress for analyzing and benchmarking VM. Also includes all code commentary in HTML, PDF, and plain text formats.


Ok, ok, priznajem pogrijesio sam priznajem. Vedran je dovoljno rekao.

Pa jesu li forumi za komentare ili ne ?

Ostavljanje linka sebi je jako dobra ideja. Originalna :P. Jos nesto, razumijem onaj dio da je link ostavljen svima, ali kako moze link “u dobrom dijelu” biti nekome ostavljen :slight_smile: ?
