Chrome(ium) extensions koje bi trebale biti po defaultu uključene :)

ako imate šta pametno bujrum postavite :slight_smile:

Ove su malo manje napadne (nema reklama)

Onaj translate je vrlo koristan al kad slucajno kliknes na x-ich ne mozes vise prevest site zato ja dodatno instaliram Translate ekstenziju pa da mozes prevest “on-demand” :slight_smile:

neki dan mi jaran dade jedno al bukvalno cca 100tinjak linkova na rapidshare, jao kontam trebaće mi isto godina… sa ovim ide malo lakše

[quote]Are you tired of waiting for the rapidshare countdown?
Why not do something else meanwhile, and let this extension download your files when they are ready!

Rapidshare requires free users to wait before they can begin downloading.
With Rapidshare Auto-Downloader, the download will automatically be started when the countdown is finished.[/quote]