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Debian Ciel 2.1
Slika prikazuje novu KDM temu…
Možete temu dobiti preko SVNa:
Ako neko želi pomoći, bilo bi mi drago. Temu bi trebalo hitno pakovati u deb, pošto je deadline za prijave
24.10.! Hvala puno na komentarima i pomoći!
Nezvanična diskusija na engleskom je ovdje:
Novosti (na eng, sorry, nemam vremena prevoditi)
2.1 - 2010.10.14
* Debian Ciel got a bit of lipstick Reintroducing the rather pinkish Debian logo by popular request.
Thanks to Yves and all others for the suggestion!
* overhauled the wallpaper and other backgrounds; slightly more gradients
* SLiM theme!
* new and better KDM theme!
* GDM / KDM backgrounds now without disturbing logo (thanks to secipolla)
* new pinkish Debian icon
* added Xfce theming proposal
2.0 - 2010.10.13
* a new, brighter and happier version with clouds
* now with KDM and KSplash theme
* wallpaper, GDM and grub background are now the same image
* added dark grey Debian menu icon
* changed GTK theme proposal to MurrinaAquaish
* changed Metacity theme proposal to Murrina Rounded
* changed GTK icon theme proposal to Tango
* added LXDE theme proposals (Openbox Clearlooks and GTK as above); also made an LXDE logout splash
1.2. - 2010.09.17
* changed Gnome theme proposal to MurrinaBlu (GTK) and Unity (Metacity) – screenshots are added.
* changed notification proposal to notify-osd instead of the classic Gnome one.
* added warning about missing SLiM theme.
1.1. - 2010.09.17
* added another classic grub2 background with more contrast
1.0. - 2010.09.16
* first draft
- Boot splash code (Splashy, Usplash, Plymouth - I can’t code any of those, although I might try playing with Plymouth)
- Packaging, testing.
- Gather feedback.
- Substitute start-here.png icon in Tango?