April 6, 2011
GNOME 3.0 released: better for users, developers
Groton, MA, April 6 2011: Today, the GNOME Desktop project released GNOME 3.0, its most significant redesign of the computer experience in nine years. A revolutionary new user interface and new features for developers make this a historic moment for the free and open source desktop.
Within GNOME 3, GNOME Shell reimagines the user interface for the next generation of the desktop. This innovative interface allows users to focus on tasks while minimizing distractions such as notifications, extra workspaces, and background windows.
jako jako jako mi se svidja, cak me naveo na razmisljanje da instaliram fedoru 15 kad izadje stable verzija, sto naravno necu uraditi. Trazim trenutno na debian forumu nacin da instaliram gnome 3, pokusat cu preko vikenda.
odustao sam od gnome3, dacu mu malo vremena skinuo sam fedoru 15, svidja mi se za sad…pa cemo vidjeti.
skinuo sam fedoru, ali uvijek sam imao problema sa fedorom i opensuse…odlicno se instaliraju ali kad treba da se pokrenu, bootuju, nema sanse… rEFIt ih ocita kao Linux, ali nece da se pokrene…tako da sam davno odustao od fedore i opensuse…