Pozdrav svima,
kao što znate, ja sam u januaru već pokretao inicijativu za svoj projekat koji se tada zvao “Školarac”. Nakon par sedmica taj projekat je pao u zaborav, no sada kada je došao Google SOC, izgleda da ima šanse da se nešto uradi od ovoga.
Naime, Ubuntu, kao mentor na Google SOC 2006, a u sklopu Edubuntu distribucije, traži neke programe koji će više ličiti Gnome-based aplikacijama, dakle obrazovna apliakcija za Gnome (što i moj projekat jeste). Edubuntu koristi KDEedu paket (uz KDE libraries koje su potrebne za pokretanje), a bolje bi bilo da uz Edubuntu dolaze Gnome obrazovni paketi.
[quote]Edutainment for Edubuntu
Currently the KDE Education Suite is included in the Edubuntu distribution. This could be replaced by something better and more in style for Edubuntu. This should be done in agreement with the educational community and according to their needs, filling the gaps in the current set of edutainment software offered. The software should also be flexible enough for future modifications and expansions.
New Edutainment Applications for Edubuntu
Think of ideas for new educational apps that would be good for edubuntu and implement them. This project would require artistic skills. “Be creative, be skilled, be educational”[/quote]
[quote]Edutainment for Edubuntu
Currently KDE software is included in the Edubuntu distribution. This could be replaced by something better and more in style for Edubuntu (using gnome/GTK). This should be done in agreement with the educational community and according to their needs, filling the gaps in the current set of edutainment software offered. The software should also be flexible enough for future modifications and expansion.
* It should be compatible with Edubuntu in the easiest way possible, with the smallest needed libraries.
- using GTK and gnome libraries as included in the edubuntu base system. – removing the dependency on the KDE libraries, saving space and reducing maintenance overhead for the edubuntu CD’s
* The basics should be expandable and reusable, common theme for the different games * At least a good working framework needs to be build, preferably with one or two games worked out. * Each game should deal with a certain educational topic * Each game should be fun to play. Learning while playing.
* There must be an inventarisation on which topic to begin. Locating the biggest gap in the current software and/or the biggest need for replacement.
Kako se iz navedenog teksta vidi, Edubuntu traži slične programe koji bi bili Gnome-based (npr. da ih napravim uz pyGTK ili sl.)
No tu se javljaju problemi: trebam imati iznad 18 godina
Zato se pitam može li se neko prijaviti na Google SOC umjestop mene, tj. za mene, pa da se preko te osobe vrši konverzacija sa Edubuntu/Ubuntu timom (ako projekat prođe). Na http://emir.linux.org.ba/?page_id=5 već postoji kraći opis programa, ja ću to prevesti na engleski i dodati obrazloženja zašto bi trebao biti korišten umjesto KDE aplikacija (tipa KEduca). Ovo nije šala i ja bih ovo zaista priveo do kraja, a pored toga na SOC-u Ubuntu tim još uvijek nema prijavljenih aplikacija.
Nadam se da ćete ovaj mail shvatiti ozbiljno i pomoći mi, da preko nekoga, prijavim se na SOC (neko ko je stariji od 18 godina).
Sutra, na laptop party-u, ćemo se dogovoriti oko ovoga.
Pozdrav, Emir