Kada i zasto Gentoo?

:shock::borg: :?

Well, thats it. In only 16 days we were able to raise all $3,000 needed for the upgrades/bandwidth/test server. I would like to thank everyone who donated, your help is VERY much appreciated.

As promised the google banner is gone from gentoo-portage.com and will be gone until october of next year.

If you donated $50 or more and were going for teh free hosting i was offering fromt eh wiki page, give me a shout and we can set you up ASAP.

Posted By: Mike Valstar
Hey there. I’m posting to report a minor bug in games-roguelike/tome. The second screenshot is buggy. On instead of showing only a thumbnail it shows a big screen with motion like a animated png. Please check that out.
Also, i’ve noticed that some packages have they’re entire description maked as an anchor and not just the name of the package… might be a minor bug too.
Thanks a lot.
npc - 07/10/2006 00:35 GMT
Is it possible to leave a permanent donation page open for people? If required?

Perhaps we could make it more interesting listing people with the highest donations, offer gentoo stickers/distro cd’s/t-shirts for donations over a set amount, and of course the free hosting.

It would also be interesting to see what is being done with the money if this wasn’t to much to maintain.

Any additional fund raiser thoughts?

  • 09/11/2006 04:30 GMT
    a permanent donation page would be something awesome.

I’d donate eventualy and I’m sure more ppl would.

btw, sometimes it feels like this site is down. Usually in work time (Brazilian Time - GMT-3). Maybe it’s a issue in my ISP (most likely though).

are you guys facing any problem of this nature?

  • 16/11/2006 05:26 GMT
    There has only need a couple bits of down time in the last couple months… and both incidents in recent months happened to the server behind the squid which should have given you a squid error, you would have been able to connect.
    Mike Valstar - 16/11/2006 14:37 GMT

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