KDE 4.x slackware

KDE4 in -current /testing and other Slackware news
That’s right – KDE version 4.1 is now part of Slackware -current (in the /testing directory), so for everyone who can’t wait to try it out, have a look at it! We’re all (very happily) using it here now, and it has come a long way since the first 4.x release. Congratulations to the KDE team for the fine work (and many thanks to Robby Workman and Heinz Wiesinger for all the help with build scripts and testing for the initial Slackware packaging of KDE4). Have fun! :slight_smile:


eto rekoh da ne bude da nije ko prijavio. Prije ovoga se na net-u mogo naći za slack ali sada je i oficijelno (mislim od 13.08.2008.).

instalira sam danas 4.1 na slacky 12.1, malo je vise zahtjevan nego sto sam ocekivao, ali valjda je to cijena fenseraja… yakauke mi ne radi…

ooooooooooooooj dobar al je zahtjevan. Ja mu upalio nekakav widget za pracenje (CPU monitor, memorija, temperatura itd) i podigao mi je CPU load na 50 % i ne spusta. Kada sam ga ugasio sve je ok.