LILO: Mandrake 9.2 i Windows XP

kako postaviti i windows da se boota u lilo bootloaderu. windows je XP a Linux je Mandrake 9.2 on stoji na boot listi ali kada ga pokrenem samo blinka kursor na ekranu

windows je na listi ali ne fercera

Nabavi Mandrakelinux 10.1

Ima li mozda neko drugo rjesenje? Ili pak Win XP samo radi sa Mandrakom 10.1 ?

Pokreni drakconf (kao obican korisnik iz konzole ili nadji link u meniju), klikni na Boot meni, pa Boot loader. Na ekranu trebas vidjeti da koristis LILO i o kojem boot uređaju je riječ (hda za prvi disk, hdb za drugi…). Na drugom ekranu (klikom na Dalje/Next) mozes dodati opciju za bootanje novog operativnog sistema. Pitat ce te da li se radi o Linuxu ili dr. OS. Izaberes drugu opciju i das naziv koji ces vidjeti prilikom podizanja LILO-a (npr. Windows) i izaberes “root” (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, zavisno od tvojih postavki). Oznaci “Default” ako zelis da se Windows podize nakon isteka odrenjenog vremena. Ne znam da li su sve oznake iste jer koristim v10.0, ali mislim da bi se mogao snaci u ovom objasnjenu.

Druga opcija:
Kao root u datoteci /etc/lilo.conf dodaj (otvori je u nekom editoru za tekst):

other=/dev/hda1 label="windows"
Ako Windows nije na particiji /dev/hda1 (prva particija na prvom disku), zamijeni “hda1” sa odgovarajucom oznakom particije.
U konzoli ukucaj naredbu “lilo”. Nakon cega ces vidjeti: Added windows, Added Linux itd. Ponovo pokreni racunar i trebalo bi raditi (pod uslovom da je sa Windows-om sve ok).

Starije verzije distribucija, tj. preciznije programa “parted” su pravile neko s***nje sa tabelom particija koje WinXP ne voli baš pretjerano. Možeš ako hoćeš probati rekompajlirati najnoviji parted na tom starom Mandraku :rolleyes:

9.2 i nije tako stara. AFAIK, ne bi trebalo biti problema…

Ibram, mislim da je to ono sto si trazi :slight_smile:

Problem je postojao u 10.0 Community i riješen je tek sa 10.0 Official. Počeo se javljati sa 2.6 kernelom (Mdk 9.2 je imao opciju instalacije linuxa 2.6).

Nađoh gore da postoji fazon da se u BIOSu nešto preklopi tako da radi, ali ne radi sa svakim BIOSom!

[quote]Reboot your computer and go into the BIOS. ->
go to CMOS Featurs ->
IDE Primary Master(or the IDE with your Hard Drive) ->
change access mode to LBA, instead of auto

you should be able to get into windows. Now you can run a program like
Partition Magic and try and fix your partitions and should be able to
change the BIOS setting back to auto[/quote]

Nastojim da ljudima koji pitaju nešto dam kompletno a ne parcijalno rješenje. Koristiti zastarjelu distro nije pametno iz milion razloga, isto kao što nije pametno koristiti XP bez service packa. Ako riješi problem sa xp bootom imaće problema sa skenerom ili sa digitalnom kamerom ili ko zna čime.

Za one koje interesuje detaljan opis problema:

[quote]------- Additional Comment #21 From Pascal Rigaux 2004-03-18 00:50 -------
At last someone here reproduced the bug which is now fully explored.

Part of the reason I could not understand the bug, is that I could not
believe windows XP was still using the error prone int13 function 2
(CHS based) instead of the (available everywhere for some time) int13
function 0x42. Under linux, grub and lilo only use function 2 when
function 0x42 fails (they don’t even ask the BIOS if it manages 0x42
since some BIOS don’t report correctly having this functionality, cf
FORCE_LBA in grub)

The other reason is that I thought BIOS faking heads number (the
so-called LBA mode) was a choice independant of the content of the
drive. This is wrong, the BIOS tries to adapt its mode based on the
partition table [1]

So here is what happened:

  • kernel 2.6 doesn’t try to give the logical geometry, and gives the
    physical geometry instead [2]
  • diskdrake uses the physical geometry to generate the CHS information
    (which is a broken duplicate of the linear sector number)
  • the BIOS sees the partition table uses a different CHS geometry, and
    adapt to it
  • … and Windows computes the CHS to read its stage1.5 based on the
    previous geometry that it keeps in its boot sector. Alas the CHS
    doesn’t get the same sector and Windows’s boot dies (with very bad
    error detection) [3]

Bug occurence: the pb only occurs when you modify the partition table,
since otherwise diskdrake won’t write it.

Code fix description: inspired by the way new fdisk and parted detects
the logical geometry based on the partition table [4]. parted code
is especially quite robust.
The fix is now included in cooker (DrakX #1.912), so:

I still would like to access the BIOS geometry, esp. for empty
partition tables. But kernel 2.6 doesn’t give us this
(/sys/firmware/edd/int13_dev80/default_heads is plain wrong on a box

Known workaround: forcing LBA mode in the BIOS

Fixing partition table:
with diskdrake from drakxtools-10-24mdk do
% diskdrake --change-geometry=hda=255,63

  • you replace hda with your drive device
  • if Windows still fails, try adapting 255,63 to your drive LBA
    emulation. For this, see what is the geometry your BIOS gives when
    forcing LBA emulation


Da, u pravu si. Gledala sam više sa aspekta da je ljudima teško nabaviti noviju distribuciju, stoga mi tvoj prvi odgovor nije bio prikladan. Mislim da se noviji korisnici teško snalaze sa svim nazivima distribucija + različitim verzijama. ibrame, bilo bi dobro da nam napišeš kako napreduje “borba”.

probao sam onako kako ste mi rekli i bono i vedrane (mijenjao sam u BIOS u ) al ne ide

Onda ces morati nabaviti noviju verziju. +stasemoze+

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