no more new features will be added to Slax 6.x, only bugfixes
added fake XDM to 002-xorg, so it will start fluxbox if KDE is not present.
This is mainly useful if you use ‘build slax’ and you only include
Slax Core and Slax Xorg.
upgraded to Slackware-current as of the last changes before KDE4 were added
added new wallpaper
fixed a lot of fluxbox-related bugs in order to make ‘Slax Xorg’ part independent,
now you can (even in fluxbox) see accurate (preferred) screen resolution
and it plays a startup sound too
[quote]eh da ,vjerovatno ništa neće da vam radi…
i neki lzm moguće da će da vam blokira sistem…[/quote]
Da bas mi se to desilo sa Slax 6.1.0
zaglavio i nece dalje.
Kada sam njega izvadio iz modules
boot-ovao se normalno
pa sam ugledao novi wallpaper itd.
Odmah potom sam vratio
u modules
vratio sam se na verziju 6.09
u kojoj mi rade svi moduli koje koristim
Ipak nije bio zadnji iz serije 6.x
zadnji je (bar za sad) Slax 6.1.1
Tomas M:
Thanks to many suggestions,
I fixed several things in the kernel config regarding IWLWIFI, PCI_MSI,
and I also decided to compile several drivers as module
(instead of building them into kernel directly)…