Open source activity map

Linux mapa :


Nisam target group za Red Hat da bih im bio mušterija. A Fedora mi je, well, ne znam. Ne vidim ništa ekstravagantno da bih tu distro koristio. Red Hat 6 mi je doduše bio prvi dodir s Linuxom. Imam lijepa sjećanja na tu distro.

Razlog je što podaci na kojima je ova karta bazirana koriste ranking koji je određen za ukupno 75 država, među kojima nije Bosna i Hercegovina (kao ni npr. Srbija). Razlog za to je dat u FAQ:

[quote]Why is my country not listed?
In a perfect world the Index would be able to draw on a
wide variety of data sets that were populated with
identical global data. In practice, getting comparable
data on every country in the world on such a wide
variety of factors, especially related to open source, is
virtually impossible. The fact that a country is not
included in the Index does not mean that a country has
any better or worse environment for open source. It
simply means that there was not enough data
available to be able to give that country a score.[/quote]

[quote=vedran]Razlog je što podaci na kojima je ova karta bazirana koriste ranking koji je određen za ukupno 75 država, među kojima nije Bosna i Hercegovina (kao ni npr. Srbija). Razlog za to je dat u FAQ:

[quote]Why is my country not listed?
In a perfect world the Index would be able to draw on a
wide variety of data sets that were populated with
identical global data. In practice, getting comparable
data on every country in the world on such a wide
variety of factors, especially related to open source, is
virtually impossible. The fact that a country is not
included in the Index does not mean that a country has
any better or worse environment for open source. It
simply means that there was not enough data
available to be able to give that country a score.[/quote]
Hvala za ispravku…nisam citao FAQ