Ima dosta toga novoga, u nadolazećem openSUSE 13.1, između ostalog:
Ovo će biti Evergreen release-podrška naredne 3 godine (ovo im je bas trebalo jer su sa zadnje dvije
verzije jednostavno pokazali izuzetnu stabilnost), osim onog uobičajnog ciklusa od 18 mjeseci. -
Radi se više na BTRFSu da zamjeni ext4:
The teams is specifically looking for btrfs testing. Though the successor of ext4 won’t be default file
system for this release but the developers are hunting down the bugs and fixing them.
Poortvliet says, “There is still more work to be done, but btrfs should be a safe choice for openSUSE
13.1 users and a good candidate for default filesystem for the next release.” -
Tu su još i sljedeće značajke:
-> KDE-4.11.2
-> Gnome-3.10
-> Kernel-3.11.3 + load of btrfs fixes thanks to feedback from beta
-> snapper-0.1.7 (btrfs!)
-> nginx – finaly built properly
-> bluez5 – pulseaudio/gnome/kde integration to provide bluez5 is finally in place
-> plasma-nm – alternative gui for networkmanager in KDE was adjusted and now provides some
sane usability
-> Tons of bugs fixed and closed
-> zypper dup from 12.3 should now not render the system unable to log in…
OpenSuse 13.1 izlazi 19. novembra!