Nedavno sam upratio ovu raspravu oko oxygen-gtk enginea koji je KDE raja izbacila. alienBOB je napravio SlackBuild/paket za raju koja koristi Slackware. Ovaj paket radi sa 13.37+ pa oprobajte a evo i jedan screenshot da vidite kako to sve izgleda. Elem, bolje integracije GTK sa Qtom dosad nisam vidio.
[quote=adioe3]Nedavno sam upratio ovu raspravu oko oxygen-gtk enginea koji je KDE raja izbacila. alienBOB je napravio SlackBuild/paket za raju koja koristi Slackware. Ovaj paket radi sa 13.37+ pa oprobajte a evo i jedan screenshot da vidite kako to sve izgleda. Elem, bolje integracije GTK sa Qtom dosad nisam vidio.
Da koristim kubuntue vjerovatno ovo ne bi piso u Slackware forumu Da te citiram “ne truni…”
U svakom slucaju svidja mi se sta su odradili, a effects su off jer koristion opensource radeon driver i ovo mi je office workstation tako da ne zelim da mi prozori “migolje” nego da radim nesta korisnog posla Kuci nek budu wobbly
Koristio bi ja kuci da mi driver+graficka moze podrzat dovoljno dobro, npr. sjene su skroz okej efekt i neki manji detalji ali one neke letece stvari, okretajuce kocke i to mislim da je dobro samo for show, IRL nije nesto ljepse niti korisnije.
EDIT: Kad smo vec na temi, znal iko kako da najlakse benchmarkam graficku? glxgears nije bas neki benchmark…
Moj slacky je najstarija linux distro i ima KDE 4.5.5 i ako zelis od alienBOBa (koji ionako odrzava KDE za slack) KDE 4.6.3 pa ti razmisli ko kasni
Thanks za tip, a moram priznat, svojski si me nasmijo sa “strshi”
[quote=adioe3]Moj slacky je najstarija linux distro i ima KDE 4.5.5 i ako zelis od alienBOBa (koji ionako odrzava KDE za slack) KDE 4.6.3 pa ti razmisli ko kasni
Thanks za tip, a moram priznat, svojski si me nasmijo sa “strshi” :D[/quote]
[quote]Users of 11.04 can install it from the Kubuntu Updates PPA.
To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list:
Thanks to Tarun, Philip, Romain, Michal and others for help with these packages.[/quote]
Oxygen-gtk has been ported to the brand new Gtk3 toolkit, with practically no feature loss with respect to its Gtk2 incarnation. Despite GTK3’s complete rewrite of the styling API, the porting turned out to be less painful than originally thought, notably thanks to the high segmentation of our code. From the limited set of applications we could test it on so far, this port is working quite well, as also illustrated in the screenshot above. Obviously all three windows are not pixel-perfect identical, and the metrics of various widgets somewhat vary from one toolkit to the other, but the overall consistency is quite satisfying, already, in my humble opinion.
Now, this is definitely not ready for release yet, notably because of the quite small amount of Gtk3-ready applications we could find on the web, for testing. Also, we had to seriously bypass (hack) the rather limited API of the new theming engine in order to be able to implement all features present in Oxygen’s Qt and Gtk2 incarnations. Anyway, the code is available from our git repository using the command: