Imam Vista / Ubuntu dual boot i moram da reinstaliram Vistu.
Znam da moram nekako sacuvati MBR i kasnije ga vratiti. Nasao sam ove instrukcije na netu ( ali su malo stare pe nisam siguran da li ce da rade sa Vistom.
Dakle dali ove instrukcije jos vrijede za Vistu i ima li nesto drugo na sta trebam da obracam paznju?
[quote]sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/path/to/save/mbr.image count=1 bs=512
Substitute the path you want to save the MBR image and the correct device of your hard drive, which is probably hda. You’ve now saved a copy of your MBR from your dual boot system. At this point you should save MBR image to a USB drive or email it to yourself. Now go ahead and install Windows.
When the Windows installation is complete, you need to write back the original MBR. Boot into Linux with a knoppix disc and find your MRB image. From a terminal run the following:
dd if=/path/to/saved/mbr.image of=/dev/hda
Of course remember to sub in the path to your MBR image and the device name of your hard drive. That’s it. Reboot and things should be back to normal.[/quote]