Da ne duzim oko sakai, veoma komplikovano cudo, und teska Haplikacija…
Po RTFM, uradim instalaciju, ubacim mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar u $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/
kreiram bazu, korisnika, etc etc, postavim podesavanja za mysql u config file-u te podesim da sam generise tabele, ako ne postoje (a ne postoje) i kada pokrenem tomcat, dobijam pofinu grupu gresaka, i warninga koji su vezani za tu gresku
pa… ako je neko imao iskustvo sa tomcat/java problemima, pomoc bi mi dobro dosla.
problem je resen… u slucaju da neko bude radio oko ovoga
[quote]Make sure that you only have the following commons-dbcp jar file.
Sometimes distros have their own Tomcat environment where they add
libraries to tomcat.
For example on an FC6 installation you will have a link like
/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/[commons-dbcp].jar which points to
I have seen this example produce the same results in your trace. If this is
the case all you have to do is delete the link
/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/[commons-dbcp].jar since sakai will deploy
this library.[/quote]