[RJESENJE] Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 1020

Na svakoj distribuciji sam se napatio da nastimam ovaj stampac, no evo sa Gentoom to ide otprilike ovako:

[code]# echo ‘FOO2ZJS_DEVICES=“hp1020”’ >> /etc/make.conf

emerge foo2zjs

/etc/init.d/cupsd restart[/code]

Ako koristite KDE (kao ja), pokrenite Control Center -> Peripherals -> Printers -> Administrator Mode -> Add Printer … odatle je sve veoma logicno. Ako koristite GNOME, mislim da se zove gnome-cups-manager.

Evo i mali update za Slackware 11:
Prvo posjetite ovu stranicu i odatle skinete foo2zjs paket: http://www.linuxpackages.net/pkg_details.php?id=9673
Zatim ga instalieren i restartate CUPS:

[code]# installpkg foo2zjs-20060919-i486-1gds.tgz

/etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart[/code]

Ako niste do sad stimali printere moguce je da rc.cups nije executable (kao sto je moj slucaj bio):

Upali, ugasi printer, pokreni KDE Control Center -> Peripherals -> Printers … dalje se snalazite, poprilicno je point ‘n’ click.

Ovo nadjoh na wikiju za Debian:

[code]% wget http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz
% tar xzvf foo2zjs.tar.gz
% cd foo2zjs
% make
% ./getweb 1000

make install

make install-hotplug[/code]

A evo i mali note:

[quote=Note for Debian users]Note for Debian users: As make-install-hotplug had some error: /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap: No such file or directory, I tried the following hack:
# ln -s /usr/share/doc/hotplug/examples/usb.usermap /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap
and the firmware download with hotplug and the printing worked.[/quote]
Sretno sa Debianom, ja ga nisam nikad uspio tamo nastimat.