Sigurnost alt.web citaca

Jucer procitah pa koga interesira :

Radi se o ranjivosti alternativnih web browsera…provjeih Mozilu i = SIGURAN

Upravo sam testirao sa Konquerorom i prikaze mi

The requested URL could not be retrieved

 While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.payp/? 

The following error was encountered: 

Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.payp 

The dnsserver returned: 

Name Error: The domain name does not exist. 

This means that: 

 The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. 
 Check if the address is correct. 

Your cache administrator is webmaster. 

Generated Wed, 09 Feb 2005 10:46:10 GMT by (Squid/2.4.STABLE7)

ali ovo je zato sto mi u Konqueroru ovaj link na Secunia stranici prepozna kao www.payp? a ne kao

ali kada sam pokusao sa Firefox 1.0 otvorio mi je Secunia site ali u adressbar je bilo , sto znaci da nevalja :)…

hvala :slight_smile: