Slackware treba vašu pomoć

[code]The times have been difficult for many of us this past few years.

For Slackware, it’s been no exception. Some of you faithful Slackers may have noticed lately that the Slackware home page has been offline. I posted about this at Jeremy’s Linux Questions forums. Alien Bob (Eric Hameleers) replied stating that it was an old hardware/lack of funds issue. This is sad. :frowning:

I am in no way associated with the Slackware Linux project other than being a loyal user of the distribution and a frequent commenter/blogger on the subject of Slackware. I want to say that up front here. That being said, I would like to ask a favor… Please, stop on by the Slackware Store and click on that Donate button (top left side of page). I just did a few minutes ago. I didn’t give much. I don’t have much to spare, but I did give something.

For many of us, Slackware has brought joy to our lives, increased our productivity, and provided us with secure and stable computing environment. It’s also taught us a helluva lot about GNU/Linux. Pat V. has never, to my knowledge, stood on his soap box and asked for money from any of us to help defray costs of maintaining Slackware. It’s about time that we showed Slackware a little love. Slackware has always been there for us; it’s our turn.

A buck, two, twenty… every little bit adds up. Buy a cool T-Shirt or the Slackware Essentials book while you’re there.

Slackware needs to be around for many, many more years. Let’s do our part to see that it is.[/code]

URL za donaciju

Iako nikad nisam koristio Slackware, nit sam zainteresovan, eto im mala donacija <3

Hoax od neinformisanih usera s LQ, tj. lijepo je bilo explained da su serveri stari i da novi jednostavno nisu potrebni, a ekonomska situacija je koliko-toliko stabilna. Ali eto kad informacija dodje do 10-og izvora, izgubi se bit :smiley:
Naravno, donacije uvijek dobro dodju, jer Pat i ekipa svakako to zasluzuju. Stavise, mislim da bi jedan dio trebalo dati Alienbobu, jer je covjek dosta toga ucinio za community (zapravo, on i jeste jedini aktivan community koji nesto radi osim sto piskara na chatovima i forumima)

Suprotno popularnom mišljenju postoji ekipa koja bi mogla preuzeti održavanje Slackware-a i kada Volkerdi ne bi bio tu (npr. kad se prije 5-6 godina razbolio zbog prljave četkice za zube).
Svi se uglavnom vrte oko projekta, ekipa mala ali odabrana :slight_smile: