Xpde lives!

Za sve XPDE fanove, nova verzija uskoro izlazi! Dugo je potrajalo da dodje do ovoga, uglavnom što je XPDE napisan ponovo iz početka, i kod je redizajniran. Screenshot: http://www.xpde.com/last_shot.png (1.1MB)


Here is a brief list of changes you will find in the next release (I hope the next
week 22nd):

-The desktop now fully uses PNG+Alpha channel, so you can use the icons of your

-The icon theme has been updated to the latest crystal svg, but not all are going
to be included, just the needed ones

-The used font now is Bitstream vera, which looks very similar to tahoma, but
can be included on the release

-I’m using QTheme from Andreas Hausladen:
It works well, but I get some flickering, still don’t know if it’s going to be
that the way to theme the widgets.

-The desktop now is a XPShellListView control, that means that is based on the
XPListView control will be used to build the explorer and that uses the
XPDirectoryMonitor, a component that maintain an update list of files from a
directory and it gets notified about changes without polling or using FAM

-The desktop now repaints significantly faster, I have spent most of the time
optimizing the code to make it work faster in lower resources machines

-The taskbar is also completely new, is built using bitmaps, as you can see in
the shot and can be themed very easily

-The window manager is also new, but I have not been able to theme it yet

What has happened is that I have started the project from scratch and I have
reorganized the code as it should be, so this is the base code of the final
1.0 version.

The release number will be 0.5.0, after that, my plans are to finish completely the
desktop, the taskbar and the window manager, no apps will be included apart of those
strictly needed, for example, TaskManager and the applets related to those parts,
no calculator, no notepad, etc, this will become later.