The “make install” process appears to be broken under Ubuntu 6.10, where an Ubuntu 6.06 system with the same prerequisite packages installed allows Zaptel 1.4 to install.
kod make install
-p: not found
chkconfig: not found
ZAPTELVERSION=“1.2.10” build_tools/make_version_h > version.h.tmp
if cmp -s version.h.tmp version.h ; then echo; else
mv version.h.tmp version.h ;
rm -f version.h.tmp
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.10 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic’
-p: not found
chkconfig: not found
[: 66: ==: unexpected operator
Unknown kernel build version requested… exiting.
make: *** [install] Error 1
i na jednom forumu kaze slijedece:
this is a problem with ubuntu using dash for sh instead of bash. If you resymlink this should work, I believe this bug is already on ubuntu buglist as dash is pretty lame in comparison to bash, and has broken several thousand makefiles and sh scripts mog
jel mi neko moze pomoci, sta treba da radim i sta znaci resymlink???
Skinuo sam zaptel source code i sad primijetim da je problem u “==” znakovima u if petljama, ovaj source kod je prepunih istih…
TIP: jesi probala sudo apt-get install zaptel ? Nije ni 500 kB, i radi odlično
medo@medo-desktop:~$ cd '/home/medo/Download/asterisk-1.4.0-beta3’
medo@medo-desktop:~/Download/asterisk-1.4.0-beta3$ ./configure
medo@medo-desktop:~/Download/asterisk-1.4.0-beta3$ make
medo@medo-desktop:~/Download/asterisk-1.4.0-beta3$ sudo checkinstall
Done. The new package has been installed and saved to
zekoslav radi neznam gdje je problem?
Kada instaliras pakete prvo je “./configure”
Ovo gore “sudo checkinstall” mozes koristiti i “sudo make install” isto je ako je problem niti jedan niti drugi nece instalirati pakete