Poslovi u IT-u sekcija na linux.org.ba ili na forumu

Pozdrav svima,

da li bi se mogla napraviti sekcija na ovom forumu koja bi imala ime " poslovi/linux/unix/IT " gdje bi smo copy/paste informacije vezane za poslove u IT. Misim da ovdje dolazi puno
ljudi tako da bi to bilo od koristi. Oglasit cu jednu poziciju koja moze biti interesantna, nadam se da nece smetati i da ne krsim pravila foruma, bilo bi super ako bi se mogla sekcija za poslove napraviti, pa da i to ima
( Adise …pomozi molim te :slight_smile: )

anyway …
Ima li vas koji ste pri kraju ETF-a ili koji ste frisko diplomirali , ako ima, HP je objavio Graduate Development Program (GDP09) Bosnia and Herzegovina-288051
pa prijavite se :slight_smile:

link : https://hp.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl ( traziti job No: 288051 )

Sretno :slight_smile:

Oglas je :

Graduate Development Program (GDP09) Bosnia and Herzegovina-288051


In order for us to process your application please ensure you complete all questions on the application form and ensure you attach your CV in English. In case you have any questions about this position, please contact graduate.info@hp.com indicating your Country Name and Job Number in the email subject field.

Company Profile
HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technology as well as services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realise their possibilities, aspirations and dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with technology, continuously improving the way our customers live and work.

No other company offers as complete a technology product portfolio as HP. We provide infrastructure and business offerings that span from handheld devices to some of the world’s most powerful supercomputer installations. We offer consumers a wide range of products and services from digital photography to digital entertainment and from computing to home printing. This comprehensive portfolio helps us match the right products, services and solutions to our customers’ specific needs.

Everything we do, we do to make technology more practical, usable, and valuable to our customers.

Career Opportunities
HP’s focus on people underlies everything we do. Being known as a great place to work makes it easier to attract top talent. For us, being a great place to work is good business. HP people live for the big idea. The next great discovery. The new way of being. To us, “Invent” is more than a word. It’s who we are. The very soul of our organisation.

HP is committed to the development of each of its employees, equipping you with all the skills for an international career. We concentrate on both ‘soft’ and technical skills, placing heavy emphasis on ‘on the job’ learning as well as formal instruction.

Choose a career with HP, and within time you could find yourself anywhere in our global network - creating technology that changes the way people think, act, and ultimately, live.

The No 1 IT Company globally, HP leads in virtually every IT market and customer segment. We want to make sure we attract people who can help us realise our ambitions and achieve success.

HP Graduate Development Program
Our new 18 month Graduate Development Program has been designed to get the most out of the best graduates by giving you the opportunity to gain experience and exposure across HP’s businesses. Throughout your time on the Program and beyond you will receive world class training including relevant professional qualifications, support and mentoring, all tailored to your needs.

During the Graduate Development Program you will:

  • Learn new skills while you work and apply them to live projects
  • Benefit from supported development tailored to your needs
  • Build up an understanding of the full breadth of our business
  • Develop your potential by being exposed to key areas of the business
  • Gain an understanding of how we work, who we are and how we stay a leader in an ever-changing market

You will find yourself working in a uniquely inclusive and creative culture. In a working environment where everyone has an opportunity to fully participate in achieving business success. You’ll start in a real role with real responsibility working alongside world-class professionals, and when you decide it’s time to progress your career to the next step HP offers a huge range of career opportunities.

What Jobs We Offer
While applying for the Graduate Development Program you will be able to choose which area of professional development interests you most.

You can choose one of the following:

• Technical Consultant
In this role you will learn to effectively apply your technical expertise in IT consulting projects. You will establish and maintain a professional working relationship at multiple levels both internally and with the client by delivering one of HP’s core technology solutions to large corporations and Governments.

• Customer Services Engineer
In this role you will configure system hardware, software and network components, assemble and integrate systems and products and verify operation requirements. At a later stage you will learn how to use proactive monitoring procedures to identify problem prevention opportunities. In addition you will conduct customer presentations as well as compile information to convey major points clearly and persuasively.

• IT Business Development Analyst
The IT Business Development Analyst establishes and maintains a professional working relationship at multiple levels both internally and with the client by developing a core understanding of the client’s unique business needs and competitive challenges. You will then tailor strategy and architect solutions to meet the needs of the client and interface with both internal and external industry experts to anticipate customer needs and facilitate the development of the most suitable IT solution.

• Product Marketing Analyst
You will be part of a team that is usually specialized in product, channel or industry marketing You will be also involved in the planning of advertising and promotional campaigns as well as trade shows.

• Sales Analyst
As a Sales Analyst, you will support the team with market and industry research, compile and analyze sales reports and contribute to sales events. Through training and hands-on experience you will gain product knowledge as well as insight in the complex operational processes behind a global supply chain and sales process. Throughout your development to a sales professional, you have to option to become an expert in Storage, Software, IT Services or Server solutions.


What do we expect from you?
We’re looking for people who graduated from universities within the last 12 months or who will graduate within this academic year.

You can be a graduate in one of the following areas:
• Computer Science
• Information Technology
• Engineering
• Business Studies
• Economics
• Other Technical or Business Administration degrees

In addition, we are also looking for the following “extra qualifications”:
• Interpersonal skills: the ability to work well with people of all types and backgrounds
• Flexibility: a talent for adjusting quickly to rapid change
• Team Player: a reliable team member at work and beyond
• Analytical Abilities: an eye for detail, even in a general context
• Communication: an ability to communicate clearly and confidently in an international environment
• Commitment: the dedication to achieve your goals - and to continuous professional and personal development
• Personality: positive-thinking, with initiative and the ability to laugh - even at yourself

Your first graduate job can be the most important decision you make in your career, with HP you can be sure you made the best decision!


  • Services
    Primary Location
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina-Sarajevo
  • Full-time
    Job Type
  • Graduate Job
  • Day Job

Slažem se, ideja je odlična.

Da dodamo ispod podforuma “Linux novosti” novi podforum? Ima li ko konkretnu ideju za naziv, evo par ideja:

  • “Oglasi/poslovi”
  • “Linux/IT poslovi”
  • “Oglasi”

posao.linux.org.ba :smiley:

bolji.posao.linux.org.ba :smiley:

S obzirom da nema više prijedloga, da Bo i ja bratski podijelimo prvo mjesto :smiley:

Eh dobro, haj malo smo se našalili, nego ovo je fakat dobra ideja, ono, stalno se vrti interno među forumašima itd. pa vala ne bi bilo loše da se ima sekcija za “ponuđače poslova” s obzirom da gro forumaša traži posao :smiley:

  • “Linux/IT poslovi”

Dovoljno je Linux poslovi jer nema smisla da se vrte oglasi za generalne IT poslove (Windows admin, .NET programer i slično :wink:

ma meni je najbolje “Posao”

PHP programer?


Kako god, ako je interesantno da se ima podsekcija poslovi …OK, ako ne, opet OK :):slight_smile:


Iako sam laik - pocetnik,
mislim da prakticna primjena softvera koji se ovdje promovise nije u suprotnosti sa Pravilnikom ULK foruma.

Evo svjezeg primjera: http://www.posao.ba/job.php?jobID=40930

Trazi se Sistem Administrator sa:

poznavanje Unix/Linux i MS Windows operativnih sistema

iskustvo u polju Linux sistem administracije

Bogatiji (zaposleni) clanovi udruzenja - bogatije Udruzenje linux korisnika!

ne bih se slozio. ako zaljubljeniku u linux, koji eto zna i win administraciju ili .Net, u ovakvoj krizi pomognes da nadje posao - ja ne vidim nista lose u tome?

skoro smo imali isto “pitaje” na LUG-u u gradu u kojem zivim. tip, koji je ujedno i sekretar udruzenja, je postavi opitanje da li da se proslijedjuju preko email-a “windows” poslovi i svi su se slozili da “bolje ista nego nista, a kad dodje vakat - lako je promijeniti”.

vise volim biti Win admin sa platom nego linux admin bez plate. :slight_smile:
flexibilnost je bitna. moje misljenje.

Ok u pravu si :slight_smile:

tek tako? bez borbe? c, c, c… ostarilo se… :smiley:

Hahaha… ma nije nego sam u međuvremenu razmišljao o tome i pokazalo se da si bio u pravu.