Sličan oglas već stoji na, a mislim da ne škodi i ovdje.
Developerska pozicija u HAProxy Technologies (.org), posao je u BiH, regularan ugovor o radu i ostalo ide preko kompanije Crossvallia BiH.
(Disclaimer: Crossvallia/HAProxy je moj trenutni poslodavac)
Objective of the Position
Work alongside with the current development team which focuses on developing the most innovative systems for maintaining, monitoring and controlling CLOUD based hosting, load balancing, interface enhancements and other various products and solutions supporting existing systems. Developers are expected to participate in all phases of the development cycle: concept, technical design, code development, testing and implementation as well as maintenance.
Essential Knowledge and Responsibilities
- Strong knowledge of Python language
- Experience with Linux OS and using the shell
- Experience writing APIs in Python
- Basic knowledge of various Linux services (LAMP, Nginx, Redis, Memcached, etc.)
- Experience with various testing methodologies
- Defensive and secure programming practices
- Excellent Git knowledge
- Strong knowledge of Linux operating system
- DevOps tools and process knowledge
- Experience working in multinational teams
- Experience writing multithreaded and multiprocess programs, as well as cooperative multithreading with gevent
- Experience with event-driven programming and systems
- Experience with inter-process communication mechanisms and libraries, including but not limited to the Apache Thrift, Cap’n Proto, Protocol Buffers, ZeroMQ and the TCP/IP stack
- C system and network programming experience is a plus
What we offer?
- Permanent employment via contract including all benefits.
- Possibility of constant personal development and promotion.
- Highest level competitive salary.
Please email your CV and cover letter to and we will get back to you as
soon as possible. Further details can be obtained at the following phone numbers:
+387 62 793 630
+387 62 829 012